It is a built-in LED test on the OpenCM9.04 board.
There are 1 LED available in OpenCM9.04, The LED connected to base 14 of Arduino.
When the built-in LED pin is output as High / Low, the LED turns on / off.
#define BOARD_LED_PIN 14
It is a code that sequentially turns on and off all the LEDs.
int led_pin = 14;
void setup() {
// Set up the built-in LED pin as an output:
pinMode(led_pin, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
int i;
digitalWrite(led_pin, HIGH); // set to as HIGH LED is turn-off
delay(100); // Wait for 0.1 second
digitalWrite(led_pin, LOW); // set to as LOW LED is turn-on
delay(100); // Wait for 0.1 second