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Task Programming

Create New File

  1. Move to Home Tab (Home Tab is the default screen at start up).
  2. Click the New button.

  3. Choose the controller and Protocol Version.
  4. Click Confirm button to create a new Task file.

Open Task File

  1. Move to Home Tab (Home Tab is the default screen at start up).
  2. Click the Example button.
  3. Select the product and example.
  4. Click Confirm button to open the Task file.

Insert/Change Instruction

  1. Click the Instructions tab on the right (or double-click the location you wish to insert the instruction).
  2. Select the instruction.
  3. Double click the item or
  4. Drag and drop the item into the code.

Select Multiple Lines

  1. Multiple lines can be selected by dragging the line numbers on the left.

  2. Click on the source code to cancel the selection.

Insert/Delete Line

  1. Select the code where to insert (or delete) the line. Click the right mouse button to show the option menu.
  2. Click Insert Line to insert a new line above the selected line (keyboard shortcut : Space)
  3. Click Delete Line to delete the selected line (keyboard shortcut : Delete)
  4. Click Clear Line to erase the code and keep the line (keyboard shortcut : Backspace)

Enable/Disable Line

  1. Select the line which you wish to enable/disable with the left mouse button.
  2. Click Enable/Disable to switch the enabled/disabled status of the selected line (keyboard shortcut : Ctrl + E)

  3. Disabled code will be shown in gray text and will be excluded from compilation.


  1. Select the line to copy (or cut).
  2. Click Copy (or Cut) to copy the code into the clipboard.
    Cut option will copy the code into the clipboard and delete the code line.

  3. Copy (or Cut) buttons from the toolbar on top can be used (keyboard shortcut : Ctrl + C, Ctrl + X)

  4. Right click on the line to paste the code to show the option menu.
  5. Select Paste to place the code in the clipboard.
  6. Paste button from the toolbar on top can be used (keyboard shortcut : Ctrl + V)

  7. The code will be inserted as shown below.


  1. Select Undo from the option menu or
  2. Click the Undo button from the toolbar to revert the last change in the code (keyboard shortcut : Ctrl + Z)

  3. Select Redo from the option menu or
  4. Click the Redo button from the toolbar to cancel the reverted change (keyboard shortcut : Ctrl + Shift + Z)

Download Task Code

  1. Click Select Port button. (keyboard shortcut : Shift + F5)
  2. Select the port that is connected to the robot and click Connect button.
  3. If the robot is connected, click Download button to download the task code to the robot controller.

  4. Ater task download, disconnect the connected cable from PC, and then turn on the controller to run the loaded task. (some controllers may be turned off instead of executing the task).

Select the device connected to the robot Click the Confirm button When the window closes, click the “Start” button

  1. Move to Debugging Tab.
  2. Click the Select Port button. (keyboard shortcut : Shift + F5)
  3. Select the port that is connected to the robot and click Connect button.
  4. If the robot is connected, click Terminal Start / Stop button (keyboard shortcut : Ctrl + F6).

  5. If the robot is connected, Program Output Monitor and Virtual Remote Controller is enabled.