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[ROS 2] Operation

GUI Program

GUI Program for ROS 2 Dashing Diademata will be released soon!



  • The test is done on ROS 2 Dashing Diademata installed in Ubuntu 18.04.
  • Make sure ROS dependencies are installed before performing these instructions. - Install ROS 2 Packages.
  • Make sure to run the OpenMANIPULATOR-P controller instructions before use of the instruction


TIP: Terminal can be found with the Ubuntu search icon on the top left corner of the screen. Shortcut key for Terminal is Ctrl+Alt+t.

Launch open_manipulator_p_teleop_keyboard node for simple teleoperation test using the keyboard.

$ ros2 run open_manipulator_p_teleop open_manipulator_p_teleop_keyboard

If the node is successfully launched, the following instruction will appear in the terminal window.

Control Your OpenManipulator-P!
w : increase x axis in task space
s : decrease x axis in task space
a : increase y axis in task space
d : decrease y axis in task space
z : increase z axis in task space
x : decrease z axis in task space

r : increase joint 1 angle
f : decrease joint 1 angle
t : increase joint 2 angle
g : decrease joint 2 angle
y : increase joint 3 angle
h : decrease joint 3 angle
u : increase joint 4 angle
j : decrease joint 4 angle
i : increase joint 5 angle
k : decrease joint 5 angle
o : increase joint 6 angle
l : decrease joint 6 angle
v : gripper open
b : gripper close
1 : init pose
2 : home pose
q to quit
Present Joint Angle J1: 0.000 J2: 0.000 J3: 0.000 J4: 0.000 J5: 0.000 J6: 0.000
Present Kinematics Position X: 0.000 Y: 0.000 Z: 0.000

PS4 Joystick

Install packages for teleoperation using PS4 joystick.

$ sudo pip install ds4drv

Connect PS4 joystick to the PC via Bluetooth using the following command

$ sudo ds4drv

Enter pairing mode with PS4 by pressing and holding Playstation button + share button for 10 sec. If the light on PS4 turns blue, enter the following commands in terminal and control OpenMANIPULATOR-P.

$ ros2 run joy joy_node
$ ros2 run open_manipulator_p_teleop open_manipulator_p_teleop_joystick

XBOX 360 Joystick

Install packages for teleoperation using XBOX 360 joystick.

Connect XBOX 360 joystick to the PC with Wireless Adapter or USB cable, and launch teleoperation packages for XBOX 360 joystick.

$ ros2 run joy joy_node
$ ros2 run open_manipulator_p_teleop open_manipulator_p_teleop_joystick