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[ROS 2] Tools

RH-P12-RN Gripper

Parts List

  Part Name Quantity
Necessary Parts OpenMANIPULATOR-P 1
  RH-P12-RN (Gripper) 1
Chassis Parts FRP42_A110K 1
Cables CABLE_4P_180MM 1
Miscellaneous WB_M3X08_NYLOK_K 12

Assembly Manual

  1. Fix FRP42_A110K to the tip of OpenMANIPUALTOR-P with eight WB_M3X08_NYLOK_K screws.

  2. Assemble RH-P12-RN Gripper on fixed frame(FRP42_A110K) and tighten four WB_M3X08_NYLOK_K screws.

    NOTE : There are two more holes on the other side for screws.

  3. Connect OpenMANIPULATOR-P and RH-P12-RN with CABLE_4P_180MM Cable.


[ROS 2] Tool Applications Operation for ROS 2 Dashing Diademata will be released soon!


[ROS 2] Tool Applications Simulation for ROS 2 Dashing Diademata will be released soon!