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Router Setting

  1. Router Reset
    To reset the router, press the front button for 10 seconds.
    Front button is “MODE CHANGE” button.
    • Orange LED : Router Mode
    • Green LED : Repeater Mode
    • Red LED : AP Mode

  2. Connect to Router

    • Default Wi-Fi Name:

      • 2.4G : dlink-806a-z
      • 5G : dlink-806a 5G-z
    • Administrator Account Setting:

      • Name : admin
      • Password : admin
  3. Change Language
    • Connect to Router via Wi-Fi or Wired.
    • Open the browser and connect to ‘’. Insert Administrator Account Info.
    • Click “상세 설정”(Details).
    • Click Menu “도구”(Tools) > “관리자 설정”(Administrator).
    • Select Language “영어(English)” and click “APPLY” button.
    • Select “예” and click “APPLY” button. The language has been changed.

  4. Disable the IPTV Availability.
    In order to use Port 4, IPTV Availability should be disabled.To use Port 4 must disable IPTV Availability.
    • “Advanced” > “IPTV/IGMP”
    • “IPTV Availability” > Select “Disable” > Click “APPLY” button
    • Reboot the router.

LIDAR IP Setting

Restart the sensor when the LED blinks, the IP setting will be completed.
The following table shows the network settings after the reset.

Item Description
Gateway address
TCP/IP Port 10940

System Block Diagram

Technical Specifications

  1. PC

  2. Actuators

  3. Sensors

  4. Batteries

ID Map

Physical Properties

body x y z
Ground-origin - - 807.5
origin-27 0 0 170.5
head x y z
27-28 0 0 229
28-29 0 -45 39
29-cam 68.2 45 56
29-lidar 0 45 106.75
29-decam 68.9 45 17
L_Arm x y z R_Arm x y z
27-2 0 152 160 27-1 0 -152 160
2-4 57 60 -39 1-3 57 -60 -39
4-6 -57 33 -0 3-5 -57 -33 0
6-8 30 187 57 5-7 30 -187 57
8-10 171 30 -57 7-9 171 -30 -57
10-12 39 0 45 9-11 39 0 45
12-14 45 -45 -45 11-13 45 45 -45
14-30 87.7 -58.3 0 13-31 87.7 -31.7 0
30-30_2 0 -26.6 0 31-31_2 0 -26.6 0
L_Leg x y z R_Leg x y z
base-16 0 93 -18 base-15 0 -93 -18
16-18 57 0 -75 15-17 57 0 -75
18-20 -57 33 0 17-19 -57 33 0
20-22 0 60 -300 19-21 0 -60 -300
22-24 0 -60 -300 21-23 0 60 -300
24-26 57 -33 0 23-25 57 33 0
26-26_2 -57 0 -87 25-25_2 -57 0 -87

Mass & Inertia

Whole robot


Right Arm

Left Arm

Right Leg

Left Leg

Joint & Angle Limit

Head Joint

Id Name Range(degrees)
28 head_y(Z) -90 to 90
29 head_p(Y) -60 to 87

Body Joint

Id Name Range(degrees)
27 torso_y(Z) -90 to 90
15 r_leg_hip_y(Z) -90 to 40
16 l_leg_hip_y(Z) -40 to 90

Right_Arm Joint

Id Name Range(degrees)
1 r_arm_sh_p1(Y) -150 to 150
3 r_arm_sh_r(X) -90 to 90
5 r_arm_sh_p2(Y) -120 to 30
7 r_arm_el_y(Z) -90 to 45
9 r_arm_sh_wr_r(X) -150 to 150
11 r_arm_sh_wr_y(Z) -90 to 90
13 r_arm_sh_wr_p(Y) -90 to 90

Left_Arm Joint

Id Name Range(degrees)
2 l_arm_sh_p1(Y) -150 to 150
4 l_arm_sh_r(X) -90 to 90
6 l_arm_sh_p2(Y) -30 to 120
8 l_arm_el_y(Z) -45 to 90
10 l_arm_sh_wr_r(X) -150 to 150
12 l_arm_sh_wr_y(Z) -90 to 90
14 l_arm_sh_wr_p(Y) -90 to 90

Right_Leg Joint

Id Name Range(degrees)
17 r_leg_hip_r(X) -30 to 45
19 r_leg_hip_p(Y) -40 to 85
21 r_leg_kn_p(Y) -166 to 30
23 r_leg_an_p(Y) -85 to 40
25 r_leg_an_r(X) -35 to 90

Left_Leg Joint

Id Name Range(degrees)
18 l_leg_hip_r(X) -45 to 30
20 l_leg_hip_p(Y) -85 to 40
22 l_leg_kn_p(Y) -30 to 166
24 l_leg_an_p(Y) -40 to 85
26 l_leg_an_r(X) -90 to 35