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Task Python API

pycm Module

Here we introduce two ways to use pycm module.

import pycm # pycm should NOT be omitted in the following code



from pycm import * # pycm should be omitted in the following code


We assume the SECOND case in the following description.

Methods Description Parameter Return Example
console(ch: int) -> None Configure controller’s communication channel BLE (0)
UART (1)
USB (2)
None console(BLE)
delay(ms: int) -> None Delay in milliseconds 0 ~ 4,294,967,295 None delay(1000)
millis() -> None Milliseconds since controller turns on None 0 ~ 4294967295 pre_time = millis()
micros() -> None Microseconds since controller turns on None 0 ~ 4294967295 pre_time = micros()

Submodules of pycm

Submodules of pycm Description
const Constant values
led LED control
info Controller’s information
eeprom Controller’s parameters stored in EEPROM area
rc Remote control
etc Miscellaneous functions
timer Timer functions
button Buttons
dxlbus Batch controlling Dynamixel actuators
motion Motion control
buzzer Buzzer
mic Microphone
imu IMU(Inertial Measurement Unit)
OLLO 5-pin port extension interface
DXL Dynamixel actuator
rpi Raspberry Pi interface

Const Submodule

Constant members of const Description Example
RED Red color constant for controller’s RGB LED led.on(const.RED)
GREEN Green color constant for controller’s RGB LED led.on(const.GREED)
BLUE Blue color constant for controller’s RGB LED led.on(const.BLUE)
ALL White color constant for controller’s RGB LED led.on(const.ALL)
OLLO_WHEEL_SPEED Use 5-pin servo motor in wheel mode wheel = OLLO(1, const.OLLO_WHEEL_SPEED)
OLLO_JOINT_POSITION Use 5-pin servo motor in joint mode and control its position joint = OLLO(1, const.OLLO_JOINT_POSITION)
OLLO_JOINT_SPEED Use 5-pin servo motor in joint mode and control its speed speed = OLLO(1, const.OLLO_JOINT_SPEED)
OLLO_IR IR sensor 5-pin device ir = OLLO(1, const.OLLO_IR)
OLLO_DMS DMS sensor 5-pin device dms = OLLO(1, const.OLLO_DMS)
OLLO_TOUCH Touch sensor 5-pin device touch = OLLO(1, const.OLLO_TOUCH)
OLLO_LED LED module 5-pin device led = OLLO(1, const.OLLO_LED)
OLLO_USER 5-pin user device user = OLLO(1, const.OLLO_USER)
OLLO_TEMPERATURE Temperature sensor 5-pin device temperature = OLLO(1, const.OLLO_TEMPERATURE)
OLLO_MAGNET Magnet sensor 5-pin device magnet = OLLO(1, const.OLLO_MAGNET)
OLLO_MOTION_DETECTION Motion detecting sensor 5-pin device motion_detection = OLLO(1, const.OLLO_MOTION_DETECTION)
OLLO_COLOR Color sensor 5-pin device color = OLLO(1, const.OLLO_COLOR)
OLLO_MOISTURE Moisture value of Moisture-Temperature sensor 5-pin device moisture = OLLO(1, const.OLLO_MOISTURE)
OLLO_MOISTURE_TEMP Temperature value of Moisture-Temperature sensor 5-pin device temperature = OLLO(1, const.OLLO_MOISTURE_TEMP)
OLLO_BRIGHTNESS Brightness sensor 5-pin device brightness = OLLO(1, const.OLLO_BRIGHTNESS)
OLLO_RED_BRIGHTNESS Brightness of red LED of Red-Blue LED red = OLLO(1, const.OLLO_RED_BRIGHTNESS)
OLLO_BLUE_BRIGHTNESS Brightness of blue LED of Red-Blue LED blue = OLLO(1, const.OLLO_BLUE_BRIGHTNESS)
V Vertical mode imu.imu_type(const.V)
H Horizontal mode imu.imu_type(const.H)
JOINT Joint mode of Dynamixel actuator DXL(2).mode(const.JOINT)
WHEEL Wheel mode of Dynamixel actuator DXL(3).mode(const.WHEEL)

Led Submodule

Methods Description Parameter Return Example
on(color: int) -> None Turn on specified color of controller’s LED color: LED name
- const.RED / const.BLUE / const.GREEN
None led.on(const.RED)
off(color: int) -> None Turn off specified color of controller’s LED color: LED name
- const.RED / const.BLUE / const.GREEN
None led.off(const.RED \| const.GREEN)
set(color: int) -> None Set controller’s LED as specified color color: LED name
- const.RED / const.BLUE / const.GREEN
None led.set(const.BLUE)
toggle(color: int) -> None Toggle specified color of controller’s LED color: LED name
- const.RED / const.BLUE / const.GREEN
None led.toggle(const.GREEN \| const.BLUE)

Info Submodule

Methods of info submobule Description Example
model_number() -> int Return controller’s model number (450) info.model_number()
fw_version() -> int Return controller’s firmware version info.fw_version()
id() -> int Return controller’s id (200) info.id()
boot_version() -> int Return controller’s bootloader version info.boot_version()
voltage() -> int Return controller’s voltage (unit: 0.1V) info.voltage()
temperature() -> int Return controller’s temperature (unit: °C) info.temperature()
address() -> str Return controller’s BLE MAC address as string info.address()

EEPROM Submodule

Methods of eeprom submobule Description Parameter Return Example
dxl_baud() -> int Return controller’s dynamixel bus baudrate None 0 : 9600bps
1 : 57600bps
2 : 115200bps
3 : 1000000bps
4 : 2000000bps
5 : 3000000bps
6 : 4000000bps
7 : 4500000bps
dxl_baud(baud: int) -> None Set controller’s dynamixel bus baudrate 0 : 9600bps
1 : 57600bps
2 : 115200bps
3 : 1000000bps
4 : 2000000bps
5 : 3000000bps
6 : 4000000bps
7 : 4500000bps
None eeprom.dxl_baud(3)
uart_baud() -> int Return controller’s uart port baudrate None 0 : 9600bps
1 : 57600bps
2 : 115200bps
3 : 1000000bps
4 : 2000000bps
5 : 3000000bps
6 : 4000000bps
7 : 4500000bps
uart_baud(baud: int) -> None Set controller’s uart port baudrate 0 : 9600bps
1 : 57600bps
2 : 115200bps
3 : 1000000bps
4 : 2000000bps
5 : 3000000bps
6 : 4000000bps
7 : 4500000bps
None eeprom.uart_baud(1)
imu_type() -> int Return controller’s imu direction type None 0 : VERTICAL
imu_type(type:int) -> None Set controller’s imu direction type const.V
None eeprom.imu_type(const.V)

RC Submodule

Methods of rc submobule Description Parameter Return Example
port(ch: int) -> None Set controller’s remote control channel BLE (0)
UART (1)
USB (2)
None rc.port(BLE)
received() -> bool Return if reveived a new remote control packet None True : new packet arrived
False : new packet not arrived
read() -> int Return last received remote control packet value None 0 ~ 65535 rc.read()
write(data: int) -> None Send remote control packet value 0 ~ 65535 None rc.write(128)

Etc Submodule

Methods of etc submobule Description Parameter Return Example
print_screen(val: int) -> None Print an integer value to task monitor with a space -2,147,483,647 ~ 2,147,483,647 None etc.print_screen(100)
println_screen(val: int) -> None Print an integer value to task monitor with a new line -2,147,483,647 ~ 2,147,483,647 None etc.println_screen(100)
print_string(str: str) -> None Print a string to task monitor with a space max 19 bytes None etc.print_string("Hello world!")
println_string(str: str) -> None Print a string to task monitor with a new line max 19 bytes None etc.println_string("Hello world!")
port(ch: int) -> None Set controller’s print screen channel BLE (0)
UART (1)
USB (2)
None etc.port(BLE)

Timer Submodule

Methods of etc submobule Description Parameter Return Example
init(ms: int, func: function) -> None Register a callback function which will be called periodically
Only one function can be registered
function calling period in millisecond
function to be called
None timer.init(1000, func)
start() -> None Start the registered function callback process None None timer.start()
stop() -> None stop the registered function callback process None None timer.stop()

Button Submodule

Methods of button submobule Description Parameter Return Example
pressed() -> bool Return if controller’s user button is pressed None True : pressed
False : not pressed
released() -> bool Return if controller’s user button is released after pressed None True : release event happened
False : release event not happened
millis() -> int Return last pressed time in milliseconds None 0 ~ 65535 button.millis()
seconds() -> int Return last pressed time in seconds None 0 ~ 255 button.seconds()

Dxlbus Submodule

Methods of dxlbus submobule Description Parameter Return Example
power_on() -> None Turn on power for dynamixel bus None None dxlbus.power_on()
power_off() -> None Turn off power for dynamixel bus None None dxlbus.power_off()
scan() -> int Scan dynamixels, return the number of dynamixels found None 0 ~ 253 dxlbus.scan()
count() -> int Return the number of found dynamixel(s) None 0 ~ 253 dxlbus.count()
torque_on() -> None Turn on torque for all found dynamixel(s) None None dxlbus.torque_on()
torque_off() -> None Turn off torque for all found dynamixel(s) None None dxlbus.torque_off()
reboot() -> None Reboot all dynamixel(s) None None dxlbus.reboot()

Motion Submodule

Methods of motion submobule Description Parameter Return Example
speed() -> int Return motion speed (%) None 20% ~ 200% motion.speed()
speed(speed: int) -> int Set motion speed (%) 20% ~ 200% None motion.speed(150)
play(motion: int) -> None Play a specified motion page or stop current motion 0 : Stop motion using an Exit Motion Unit
1~65532 : Play motion with a specified page
65533 : Stop motion immediately
65534 : Stop motion at the current Key Frame
65535 : Stop motion at current unit
None motion.play(1)
play(motion: int, next: int) -> None Play a specified motion with a motion reserved for playing contiguously motion
0 : Stop motion using an Exit Motion Unit
1~65532 : Play motion with a specified page
65533 : Stop motion immediately
65534 : Stop motion at the current Key Frame
65535 : Stop motion at current unit

0~65534 : Page to move next.
65535 : No next page
None motion.play(1, 2)
next(next: int) -> None Reserve the next motion to play contiguously. This function must be used before motion.play(motion) next
0~65534 : Page to move next.
65535 : No next page
None motion.next(2)
status() -> bool Return motion play status None True : Motion is being played
False : Motion is NOT being played
count() -> int Return the number of motions stored in FLASH memory None 0 ~ 1023 motion.count()
wait() -> None Wait until current motion stops playing None None motion.wait()

Buzzer Submodule

Methods of buzzer submobule Description Parameter Return Example
melody(index) -> None Play the specified melody by index. 0 ~ 25 None buzzer.melody(1)
note(index) -> None Play the specified note by index for 0.3 sec 0 ~ 51 None buzzer.note(1)
note(index, ms) -> None Play the specified note by index for specified time length index
0 ~ 51
ms(unit: 0.1s)
0 ~ 50 : 0 ~ 5.0s
buzzer.note(1, 10)  
wait() -> None Wait until current melody or note ends None None buzzer.wait()

Mic Submodule

Methods of mic submobule Description Parameter Return Example
counted() -> int Return the final number of detected sound after the clapping finishes None 0 ~ 255 mic.counted()
counting() -> int Return the real-time number of detected sound while the clapping continues None 0 ~ 255 mic.counting()
clear() -> int Clear the final number of detected sound to zero None None mic.clear()

IMU Submodule

Methods of imu submobule Description Parameter Return Example
roll() -> int Return the roll value of CM-550 controller None -18000 ~ 18000 imu.roll()
pitch() -> int Return the pitch value of CM-550 controller None -9000 ~ 9000 imu.pitch()
yaw() -> int Return the yaw value of CM-550 controller None -9000 ~ 9000 imu.yaw()
gyro_x() -> int Return the Gyro X axis value of CM-550 controller None -32768 ~ 32767 (unit: 0.01degree/sec) imu.gyro_x()
gyro_y() -> int Return the Gyro Y axis value of CM-550 controller None -32768 ~ 32767 (unit: 0.01degree/sec) imu.gyro_y()
gyro_z() -> int Return the Gyro Z axis value of CM-550 controller None -32768 ~ 32767 (unit: 0.01degree/sec) imu.gyro_z()
accel_x() -> int Return the accelerometer X axis value of CM-550 controller None -32768 ~ 32767 (unit: 0.01G) imu.accel_x()
accel_y() -> int Return the accelerometer Y axis value of CM-550 controller None -32768 ~ 32767 (unit: 0.01G) imu.accel_y()
accel_z() -> int Return the accelerometer Z axis value of CM-550 controller None -32768 ~ 32767 (unit: 0.01G) imu.accel_z()

OLLO Submodule

Methods of OLLO submobule Description Parameter Return Example
OLLO(port, mode) -> object Create an object with Port Number and Device Mode mode
const.OLLO_WHEEL_SPEED (port: 1 ~ 2)
const.OLLO_JOINT_POSITION (port: 1 ~ 2)
const.OLLO_JOINT_SPEED (port: 1 ~ 2)
const.OLLO_IR (port: 1 ~ 2)
const.OLLO_MOISTURE (port: 1 ~ 2)
const.OLLO_MOISTURE_TEMP (port: 1 ~ 2)
const.OLLO_RED_BRIGHTNESS (port: 1 ~ 2)
const.OLLO_BLUE_BRIGHTNESS (port: 1 ~ 2)
const.OLLO_DMS (port: 1 ~ 5)
const.OLLO_TOUCH (port: 1 ~ 5)
const.OLLO_LED (port: 1 ~ 5)
const.OLLO_USER (port: 1 ~ 5)
const.OLLO_TEMPERATURE (port: 1 ~ 5)
const.OLLO_MAGNET (port: 1 ~ 5)
const.OLLO_MOTION_DETECTION (port: 1 ~ 5)
const.OLLO_COLOR (port: 1 ~ 5)
const.OLLO_BRIGHTNESS (port: 1 ~ 5)
5-pin port object obj = OLLO(1, OLLO_WHEEL_SPEED)
read() -> int Return the value of object None 0 ~ 2047 (mode: const.OLLO_WHEEL_SPEED)
0 ~ 1023 (mode: const.OLLO_JOINT_POSITION)
0 ~ 1023 (mode: const.OLLO_JOINT_SPEED)
0 ~ 1023 (mode: const.OLLO_IR)
0 ~ 100 (mode: const.OLLO_MOISTURE, unit: %)
-19 ~ 105 (mode: const.OLLO_MOISTURE_TEMP, unit: ℃)
0 ~ 100 (mode: const.OLLO_RED_BRIGHTNESS, unit: %)
0 ~ 100 (mode: const.OLLO_BLUE_BRIGHTNESS, unit: %)
0 ~ 1023 (mode: const.OLLO_DMS)
0, 1 (mode: const.OLLO_TOUCH)
0 ~ 3 (mode: const.OLLO_LED)
0 ~ 1023 (mode: const.OLLO_USER)
-20 ~ 120 (mode: const.OLLO_TEMPERATURE, unit: ℃)
0, 1 (mode: const.OLLO_MAGNET)
0 ~ 1 (mode: const.OLLO_MOTION_DETECTION)
0 ~ 6 (mode: const.OLLO_COLOR)
0 ~ 100 (mode: const.OLLO_BRIGHTNESS, unit: %)
write(speed) -> None Set wheel speed of object of wheel mode
(mode: const.OLLO_WHEEL_SPEED)
0 ~ 1023 : CCW (Counter clock wise) speed
1024 ~ 2047 : CW (Clockwise) speed
None obj.write(512)
write(position) -> None Set joint poistion of object of joint mode
0 ~ 1023 None obj.write(512)
write(speed) -> None Set moving speed of object of joint mode
0 ~ 1023 None obj.write(256)
write(pwm) -> None Set pwm duty cycle of object of LED brightness mode
0 ~ 100 (unit: %) None obj.write(50)
write(left, right) -> None Set LED status of left and right LED of LED module
(mode: const.OLLO_LED)
0, 1 None obj.write(1, 0)
write(left, right) -> None Set LED status of left and right output port of User Device
(mode: const.OLLO_USER)
0, 1 None obj.write(1, 1)

DXL Submodule

Methods of DXL submobule Description Parameter Return Example
DXL(id) -> object Create an Dynamixel object with specified ID 0 ~ 252 : Single ID
254 : Broadcast ID
Dynamixel object obj = DXL(1)
mode() -> int Return mode number of Dynamixel object None 1 : Velocity Control Mode
3 : Position Control Mode
4 : Multi-turn Mode
mode(mode) -> None Set mode for Dynamixel object 1 : Velocity Control Mode
3 : Position Control Mode
4 : Multi-turn Mode
None obj.mode(3)
torque_on() -> None Turn on torque for Dynamixel object None None obj.torque_on()
torque_off() -> None Turn off torque for Dynamixel object None None obj.torque_off()
led_on() -> None Turn on LED for Dynamixel object None None obj.led_on()
led_off() -> None Turn off LED for Dynamixel object None None obj.led_off()
led_toggle() -> None Toggle LED for Dynamixel object None None obj.led_toggle()
goal_velocity() -> int Return goal velocity value None -1023 ~ 1023 (unit: 0.229 rev/min) obj.goal_velocity()
goal_velocity(v) -> None Set goal velocity value -1023 ~ 1023 (unit: 0.229 rev/min) None obj.goal_velocity(100)
goal_position() -> int Return goal position value None -4095 ~ 4095 obj.goal_position()
goal_position(p) -> None Set goal position value -4095 ~ 4095 None obj.goal_position(1024)
is_moving() -> bool Return moving status None True : Dynamixel is moving
False : Dyanmixel is not moving
present_velocity() -> int Return present velocity value None -1023 ~ 1023 (unit: 0.229 rev/min) obj.present_velocity()
present_position() -> int Return present position value None -4095 ~ 4095 obj.present_position()

RPI Submodule

Methods of rpi submodule Description Parameter Return Example
mode() -> int Return mode number of connected Raspberry Pi None 0 : Standby
1 : Color Detection
2 : Face Detection
3 : Streaming
mode(mode: int) -> None Set the mode of the connected Raspberry Pi mode
0 : Standby
1 : Color Detection
2 : Face Detection
3 : Streaming
None rpi.mode(1)
sub_mode() -> int Return the sub-mode of the current mode
(only for Color Detection Mode)
None 1 : Red
2 : Orange
3 : Yellow
4 : Green
5 : Blue
6 : Purple
7 : White
sub_mode(mode: int) -> None Set the sub-mode of the current mode
(only for Color Detection Mode)
1 : Red
2 : Orange
3 : Yellow
4 : Green
5 : Blue
6 : Purple
7 : White
None rpi.sub_mode(1)
ip() -> tuple Return the IP address of the connected Raspberry Pi as a tuple with 4 integers None IP address as a tuple
eg. (192, 168, 13, 5)
position_x() -> int Return the x-coordinate of the camera detection position None X-coordinate value rpi.position_x()
position_y() -> int Return the y-coordinate of the camera detection position None Y-coordinate value rpi.position_y()
area() -> int Return the detection area of the camera None Area value rpi.area()
resolution_w() -> int Return the width of the camera resolution None Width in pixels rpi.resolution_w()
resolution_h() -> int Return the height of the camera resolution None Height in pixels rpi.resolution_h()
h_max() -> int Return the maximum hue value for color detection None 0 ~ 179 rpi.h_max()
h_max(h_max: int) -> None Set the maximum hue value for color detection 0 ~ 179 None rpi.h_max(179)
h_min() -> int Return the minimum hue value for color detection None 0 ~ 179 rpi.h_min()
h_min(h_min: int) -> None Set the minimum hue value for color detection 0 ~ 179 None rpi.h_min(0)
s_max() -> int Return the maximum saturation value for color detection None 0 ~ 255 rpi.s_max()
s_max(s_max: int) -> None Set the maximum saturation value for color detection 0 ~ 255 None rpi.s_max(255)
s_min() -> int Return the minimum saturation value for color detection None 0 ~ 255 rpi.s_min()
s_min(s_min: int) -> None Set the minimum saturation value for color detection 0 ~ 255 None rpi.s_min(0)
v_max() -> int Return the maximum value (brightness) for color detection None 0 ~ 255 rpi.v_max()
v_max(v_max: int) -> None Set the maximum value (brightness) for color detection 0 ~ 255 None rpi.v_max(255)
v_min() -> int Return the minimum value (brightness) for color detection None 0 ~ 255 rpi.v_min()
v_min(v_min: int) -> None Set the minimum value (brightness) for color detection 0 ~ 255 None rpi.v_min(0)