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Manipulator SDK Programming

ROBOTIS Manipulator SDK Download
Manipulator H-32bit (zip)
Manipulator L-32bit (zip)

Manipulator SDK

SDK Description


When building Manipulator at ARM SDK, you may use the Addjoint function after generating Instance of RobotInfo Class.
AddJoint gets values from D-H Parameter and actuator’s max and min turn angle in rad and value as well as actuator ID number (min and max turn angles may not be the same as joint angle limits).


Forward Kinematics(FK), Inverse Kinematics(IK) can be calculated once the instance for kinematics class is generated. Kinematics class get the instance from RobotInfo class.
ComputeIK’s factor’s the pose from end effector and joint values, as well as, initial joint angle and error for IK. The result is joint angles when the returned error status is not 0 then the IK is not properly solved.

The Roll(φ), Pitch(θ) and Yaw(ψ) are calculated as Rx(φ), Ry(θ), Rz(ψ) in the rotation transformation matrix. This is to be taken into consideration when entering the pose for ComputeIK.

Trajectory Generating

The Trajectory Generator class generates an instance for the arm’s trajectory. The SDK’s Point to Point, Linear, and Circular can generate a trajectory. For arm-only trajectory then only Set_PTP, Set_LIN, Set_Circular; for the gripper then Set_PTPwithHand, Set_LINwithHand, Set_CIRCwithHand.

Velocity Profile

The SDK’s Velocity Profile does not take max velocity and max acceleration into consideration in the Trapezoidal Velocity Profile. The initial and final velocity are always set to 0. The following methods generate velocity profile in Joint Space and Cartesian Space, where both are independent of each other.


The Set_PTP function determines 2 poses for the manipulator (initial and final) by factoring in Trapezoidal Velocity Profile and receives velocity time and total time. Initial and final pose are in rad and joint angle in mm or rad (x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw). When generating the trajectory it is recommended to factor in joint angles.


The Set_LIN function generates a 3-point coordinates for the robot’s straight trajectory. This factors in initial and final pose for Linear Euler Interpolation for orientation.


The Set_CIRC function generates a 3-point coordinates for the robot’s circular trajectory. This factors in initial and final pose. It sets a point of origin in the area and proceeds to trajectory via MotionPlay and vector generation.

Trajectory Following

When moving by the generated trajectory from TrajectorGenerator class’s instance just use NextStep function from MotionPlay. MotionPlay class accounts trajectoryGenerator class.
The control period from MotionPlay default value is 8ms but can be changed with SetTimePeriod. If TimePeriod is 0 then 8ms default value is applied.

Pro Arm Comm Win

Pro_Arm_Comm_Win utilizes DYNAMIXEL 2.0 Protocol from the Windows version of DYNAMIXEL SDK. Pro_Arm_Comm_Win’s functions utilizes DYNAMIXEL Pro’s control (i.e. read/write Control Table values).
This is useful when writing separate code.

SDK Flowchart