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OP Series

Where can I find the manual for my DARWIN OP robot??

Where can I purchase grippers for my DARWIN OP?

We recommend Seed Robotics or [SAKE Robotics]{: .blank} for the OP platform.


Is the OpenMANIPULATOR-L still available?

No, the OpenMANIPULATOR-L has been discontinued.

Can I purchase the frame set used to construct an OpenMANIPULAOR-P?

No, the OpenMANIPULATOR-P frame set is not sold separately.

What is the specifications of the OpenMANIPULATOR-P?

The OpenMANIPULATOR’s specifications are available on the platform’s eManual page.

What is the power requirement for the OpenMANIPULATOR-P?

The OpenMANIPULATOR-P consumes 15~30A at DC 24V. It consumes less than 2A during idle status.

Is an end effector or gripper included with the OpenMANIPULATOR-P

No, a gripper is not included. The Robot Hand gripper is the recommended option for this platform.

Where can I find base plate component setup information?

Please refer to here for the Manipulator Base Plate. We have 2 types of plates which are Base Plate-01 and Base Plate-02.

Is OpenMANIPULATOR available examples, and some helpful information?

All technical specifications, configuration examples, and open-source CAD for the OpenMANIPULATOR are available online in the ROBOTIS e-Manual entry for the OpenMANIPULATOR platform.

ROBOTIS also offers the DYNAMIXEL SDK a collection of open-source libraries for DYNAMIXEL control.

What controller is required to operate an OpenMANIPULATOR?

OpenMANIPULATOR may be controlled using ROBOTIS controller boards such as the OpenCR1.0, from a computer using a U2D2 USB-serial converter, or from third-party controllers capable of TTL or RS485 communications.