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Run roscore

Run roscore from PC.

$ roscore

Bringup TurtleBot3

  1. Open a new terminal from PC with Ctrl + Alt + T and connect to Raspberry Pi with its IP address.
    The default password is turtlebot.
  2. Bring up basic packages to start TurtleBot3 applications.
    $ roslaunch turtlebot3_bringup turtlebot3_robot.launch
  3. If the TurtleBot3 model is burger, the terminal will print below messages.
     * /rosdistro: kinetic
     * /rosversion: 1.12.13
     * /turtlebot3_core/baud: 115200
     * /turtlebot3_core/port: /dev/ttyACM0
     * /turtlebot3_core/tf_prefix:
     * /turtlebot3_lds/frame_id: base_scan
     * /turtlebot3_lds/port: /dev/ttyUSB0
         turtlebot3_core (rosserial_python/serial_node.py)
         turtlebot3_diagnostics (turtlebot3_bringup/turtlebot3_diagnostics)
         turtlebot3_lds (hls_lfcd_lds_driver/hlds_laser_publisher)
     process[turtlebot3_core-1]: started with pid [14198]
     process[turtlebot3_lds-2]: started with pid [14199]
     process[turtlebot3_diagnostics-3]: started with pid [14200]
     [INFO] [1531306690.947198]: ROS Serial Python Node
     [INFO] [1531306691.000143]: Connecting to /dev/ttyACM0 at 115200 baud
     [INFO] [1531306693.522019]: Note: publish buffer size is 1024 bytes
     [INFO] [1531306693.525615]: Setup publisher on sensor_state [turtlebot3_msgs/SensorState]
     [INFO] [1531306693.544159]: Setup publisher on version_info [turtlebot3_msgs/VersionInfo]
     [INFO] [1531306693.620722]: Setup publisher on imu [sensor_msgs/Imu]
     [INFO] [1531306693.642319]: Setup publisher on cmd_vel_rc100 [geometry_msgs/Twist]
     [INFO] [1531306693.687786]: Setup publisher on odom [nav_msgs/Odometry]
     [INFO] [1531306693.706260]: Setup publisher on joint_states [sensor_msgs/JointState]
     [INFO] [1531306693.722754]: Setup publisher on battery_state [sensor_msgs/BatteryState]
     [INFO] [1531306693.759059]: Setup publisher on magnetic_field [sensor_msgs/MagneticField]
     [INFO] [1531306695.979057]: Setup publisher on /tf [tf/tfMessage]
     [INFO] [1531306696.007135]: Note: subscribe buffer size is 1024 bytes
     [INFO] [1531306696.009083]: Setup subscriber on cmd_vel [geometry_msgs/Twist]
     [INFO] [1531306696.040047]: Setup subscriber on sound [turtlebot3_msgs/Sound]
     [INFO] [1531306696.069571]: Setup subscriber on motor_power [std_msgs/Bool]
     [INFO] [1531306696.096364]: Setup subscriber on reset [std_msgs/Empty]
     [INFO] [1531306696.390979]: Setup TF on Odometry [odom]
     [INFO] [1531306696.394314]: Setup TF on IMU [imu_link]
     [INFO] [1531306696.397498]: Setup TF on MagneticField [mag_link]
     [INFO] [1531306696.400537]: Setup TF on JointState [base_link]
     [INFO] [1531306696.407813]: --------------------------
     [INFO] [1531306696.411412]: Connected to OpenCR board!
     [INFO] [1531306696.415140]: This core(v1.2.1) is compatible with TB3 Burger
     [INFO] [1531306696.418398]: --------------------------
     [INFO] [1531306696.421749]: Start Calibration of Gyro
     [INFO] [1531306698.953226]: Calibration End

Read more about launching RViz

Load TurtleBot3 on Rviz

  1. Open a new terminal and launch the robot state publisher.
    $ roslaunch turtlebot3_bringup turtlebot3_remote.launch
  2. Open a new terminal and enter the below command to run RViz.
    $ rosrun rviz rviz -d `rospack find turtlebot3_description`/rviz/model.rviz


Run roscore

Run roscore from PC.

$ roscore

Bringup TurtleBot3

  1. Open a new terminal from PC with Ctrl + Alt + T and connect to Raspberry Pi with its IP address.
    The default password is turtlebot.
    $ ssh ubuntu@{IP_ADDRESS_OF_RASPBERRY_PI}
  2. Bring up basic packages to start TurtleBot3 applications.
    $ roslaunch turtlebot3_bringup turtlebot3_robot.launch
  3. If the TurtleBot3 model is burger, the terminal will print below messages.
     * /rosdistro: melodic
     * /rosversion: 1.14.3
     * /turtlebot3_core/baud: 115200
     * /turtlebot3_core/port: /dev/ttyACM0
     * /turtlebot3_core/tf_prefix:
     * /turtlebot3_lds/frame_id: base_scan
     * /turtlebot3_lds/port: /dev/ttyUSB0
         turtlebot3_core (rosserial_python/serial_node.py)
         turtlebot3_diagnostics (turtlebot3_bringup/turtlebot3_diagnostics)
         turtlebot3_lds (hls_lfcd_lds_driver/hlds_laser_publisher)
     process[turtlebot3_core-1]: started with pid [14198]
     process[turtlebot3_lds-2]: started with pid [14199]
     process[turtlebot3_diagnostics-3]: started with pid [14200]
     [INFO] [1531306690.947198]: ROS Serial Python Node
     [INFO] [1531306691.000143]: Connecting to /dev/ttyACM0 at 115200 baud
     [INFO] [1531306693.522019]: Note: publish buffer size is 1024 bytes
     [INFO] [1531306693.525615]: Setup publisher on sensor_state [turtlebot3_msgs/SensorState]
     [INFO] [1531306693.544159]: Setup publisher on version_info [turtlebot3_msgs/VersionInfo]
     [INFO] [1531306693.620722]: Setup publisher on imu [sensor_msgs/Imu]
     [INFO] [1531306693.642319]: Setup publisher on cmd_vel_rc100 [geometry_msgs/Twist]
     [INFO] [1531306693.687786]: Setup publisher on odom [nav_msgs/Odometry]
     [INFO] [1531306693.706260]: Setup publisher on joint_states [sensor_msgs/JointState]
     [INFO] [1531306693.722754]: Setup publisher on battery_state [sensor_msgs/BatteryState]
     [INFO] [1531306693.759059]: Setup publisher on magnetic_field [sensor_msgs/MagneticField]
     [INFO] [1531306695.979057]: Setup publisher on /tf [tf/tfMessage]
     [INFO] [1531306696.007135]: Note: subscribe buffer size is 1024 bytes
     [INFO] [1531306696.009083]: Setup subscriber on cmd_vel [geometry_msgs/Twist]
     [INFO] [1531306696.040047]: Setup subscriber on sound [turtlebot3_msgs/Sound]
     [INFO] [1531306696.069571]: Setup subscriber on motor_power [std_msgs/Bool]
     [INFO] [1531306696.096364]: Setup subscriber on reset [std_msgs/Empty]
     [INFO] [1531306696.390979]: Setup TF on Odometry [odom]
     [INFO] [1531306696.394314]: Setup TF on IMU [imu_link]
     [INFO] [1531306696.397498]: Setup TF on MagneticField [mag_link]
     [INFO] [1531306696.400537]: Setup TF on JointState [base_link]
     [INFO] [1531306696.407813]: --------------------------
     [INFO] [1531306696.411412]: Connected to OpenCR board!
     [INFO] [1531306696.415140]: This core(v1.2.1) is compatible with TB3 Burger
     [INFO] [1531306696.418398]: --------------------------
     [INFO] [1531306696.421749]: Start Calibration of Gyro
     [INFO] [1531306698.953226]: Calibration End

Read more about launching RViz

Load TurtleBot3 on Rviz

  1. Open a new terminal and launch the robot state publisher.
    $ roslaunch turtlebot3_bringup turtlebot3_remote.launch
  2. Open a new terminal and enter the below command to run RViz.
    $ rosrun rviz rviz -d `rospack find turtlebot3_description`/rviz/model.rviz


Run roscore

Run roscore from PC.

$ roscore

Bringup TurtleBot3

TIP: Before executing this command, you have to specify the model name of TurtleBot3. The ${TB3_MODEL} is the name of the model you are using in burger, waffle, waffle_pi.

  1. Open a new terminal from PC with Ctrl + Alt + T and connect to Raspberry Pi with its IP address.
    The default password is turtlebot.
    $ ssh ubuntu@{IP_ADDRESS_OF_RASPBERRY_PI}
  2. Bring up basic packages to start TurtleBot3 applications.
    $ export TURTLEBOT3_MODEL=${TB3_MODEL}
    $ roslaunch turtlebot3_bringup turtlebot3_robot.launch
  3. If the TurtleBot3 model is burger, the terminal will print below messages.
     * /rosdistro: noetic
     * /rosversion: 1.15.8
     * /turtlebot3_core/baud: 115200
     * /turtlebot3_core/port: /dev/ttyACM0
     * /turtlebot3_core/tf_prefix:
     * /turtlebot3_lds/frame_id: base_scan
     * /turtlebot3_lds/port: /dev/ttyUSB0
         turtlebot3_core (rosserial_python/serial_node.py)
         turtlebot3_diagnostics (turtlebot3_bringup/turtlebot3_diagnostics)
         turtlebot3_lds (hls_lfcd_lds_driver/hlds_laser_publisher)
     process[turtlebot3_core-1]: started with pid [14198]
     process[turtlebot3_lds-2]: started with pid [14199]
     process[turtlebot3_diagnostics-3]: started with pid [14200]
     [INFO] [1531306690.947198]: ROS Serial Python Node
     [INFO] [1531306691.000143]: Connecting to /dev/ttyACM0 at 115200 baud
     [INFO] [1531306693.522019]: Note: publish buffer size is 1024 bytes
     [INFO] [1531306693.525615]: Setup publisher on sensor_state [turtlebot3_msgs/SensorState]
     [INFO] [1531306693.544159]: Setup publisher on version_info [turtlebot3_msgs/VersionInfo]
     [INFO] [1531306693.620722]: Setup publisher on imu [sensor_msgs/Imu]
     [INFO] [1531306693.642319]: Setup publisher on cmd_vel_rc100 [geometry_msgs/Twist]
     [INFO] [1531306693.687786]: Setup publisher on odom [nav_msgs/Odometry]
     [INFO] [1531306693.706260]: Setup publisher on joint_states [sensor_msgs/JointState]
     [INFO] [1531306693.722754]: Setup publisher on battery_state [sensor_msgs/BatteryState]
     [INFO] [1531306693.759059]: Setup publisher on magnetic_field [sensor_msgs/MagneticField]
     [INFO] [1531306695.979057]: Setup publisher on /tf [tf/tfMessage]
     [INFO] [1531306696.007135]: Note: subscribe buffer size is 1024 bytes
     [INFO] [1531306696.009083]: Setup subscriber on cmd_vel [geometry_msgs/Twist]
     [INFO] [1531306696.040047]: Setup subscriber on sound [turtlebot3_msgs/Sound]
     [INFO] [1531306696.069571]: Setup subscriber on motor_power [std_msgs/Bool]
     [INFO] [1531306696.096364]: Setup subscriber on reset [std_msgs/Empty]
     [INFO] [1531306696.390979]: Setup TF on Odometry [odom]
     [INFO] [1531306696.394314]: Setup TF on IMU [imu_link]
     [INFO] [1531306696.397498]: Setup TF on MagneticField [mag_link]
     [INFO] [1531306696.400537]: Setup TF on JointState [base_link]
     [INFO] [1531306696.407813]: --------------------------
     [INFO] [1531306696.411412]: Connected to OpenCR board!
     [INFO] [1531306696.415140]: This core(v1.2.1) is compatible with TB3 Burger
     [INFO] [1531306696.418398]: --------------------------
     [INFO] [1531306696.421749]: Start Calibration of Gyro
     [INFO] [1531306698.953226]: Calibration End

Read more about launching RViz

Load TurtleBot3 on Rviz

  1. Open a new terminal and launch the robot state publisher.
    $ roslaunch turtlebot3_bringup turtlebot3_remote.launch
  2. Open a new terminal and enter the below command to run RViz. To run rviz, you need to specify the model name of TurtleBot3.
    $ rosrun rviz rviz -d `rospack find turtlebot3_description`/rviz/{burger, waffle_pi}.rviz


Bringup TurtleBot3

  1. Open a new terminal from PC with Ctrl + Alt + T and connect to Raspberry Pi with its IP address.
    Use the password when setting up the SBC.
    $ ssh ubuntu@{IP_ADDRESS_OF_RASPBERRY_PI}
  2. Bring up basic packages to start TurtleBot3 applications. Replace the ${TB3_MODEL} parameter with your model name such as burger, waffle, waffle_pi.
    $ export TURTLEBOT3_MODEL=${TB3_MODEL}
    $ ros2 launch turtlebot3_bringup robot.launch.py
  3. If the TurtleBot3 model is burger as below, the terminal will print below messages.
    $ export TURTLEBOT3_MODEL=burger
    $ ros2 launch turtlebot3_bringup robot.launch.py
    [INFO] [launch]: All log files can be found below /home/ubuntu/.ros/log/2019-08-19-01-24-19-009803-ubuntu-15310
    [INFO] [launch]: Default logging verbosity is set to INFO
    urdf_file_name : turtlebot3_burger.urdf
    [INFO] [robot_state_publisher-1]: process started with pid [15320]
    [INFO] [hlds_laser_publisher-2]: process started with pid [15321]
    [INFO] [turtlebot3_ros-3]: process started with pid [15322]
    [robot_state_publisher-1] Initialize urdf model from file: /home/ubuntu/turtlebot_ws/install/turtlebot3_description/share/turtlebot3_description/urdf/turtlebot3_burger.urdf
    [robot_state_publisher-1] Parsing robot urdf xml string.
    [robot_state_publisher-1] Link base_link had 5 children
    [robot_state_publisher-1] Link caster_back_link had 0 children
    [robot_state_publisher-1] Link imu_link had 0 children
    [robot_state_publisher-1] Link base_scan had 0 children
    [robot_state_publisher-1] Link wheel_left_link had 0 children
    [robot_state_publisher-1] Link wheel_right_link had 0 children
    [robot_state_publisher-1] got segment base_footprint
    [robot_state_publisher-1] got segment base_link
    [robot_state_publisher-1] got segment base_scan
    [robot_state_publisher-1] got segment caster_back_link
    [robot_state_publisher-1] got segment imu_link
    [robot_state_publisher-1] got segment wheel_left_link
    [robot_state_publisher-1] got segment wheel_right_link
    [turtlebot3_ros-3] [INFO] [turtlebot3_node]: Init TurtleBot3 Node Main
    [turtlebot3_ros-3] [INFO] [turtlebot3_node]: Init DynamixelSDKWrapper
    [turtlebot3_ros-3] [INFO] [DynamixelSDKWrapper]: Succeeded to open the port(/dev/ttyACM0)!
    [turtlebot3_ros-3] [INFO] [DynamixelSDKWrapper]: Succeeded to change the baudrate!
    [robot_state_publisher-1] Adding fixed segment from base_footprint to base_link
    [robot_state_publisher-1] Adding fixed segment from base_link to caster_back_link
    [robot_state_publisher-1] Adding fixed segment from base_link to imu_link
    [robot_state_publisher-1] Adding fixed segment from base_link to base_scan
    [robot_state_publisher-1] Adding moving segment from base_link to wheel_left_link
    [robot_state_publisher-1] Adding moving segment from base_link to wheel_right_link
    [turtlebot3_ros-3] [INFO] [turtlebot3_node]: Start Calibration of Gyro
    [turtlebot3_ros-3] [INFO] [turtlebot3_node]: Calibration End
    [turtlebot3_ros-3] [INFO] [turtlebot3_node]: Add Motors
    [turtlebot3_ros-3] [INFO] [turtlebot3_node]: Add Wheels
    [turtlebot3_ros-3] [INFO] [turtlebot3_node]: Add Sensors
    [turtlebot3_ros-3] [INFO] [turtlebot3_node]: Succeeded to create battery state publisher
    [turtlebot3_ros-3] [INFO] [turtlebot3_node]: Succeeded to create imu publisher
    [turtlebot3_ros-3] [INFO] [turtlebot3_node]: Succeeded to create sensor state publisher
    [turtlebot3_ros-3] [INFO] [turtlebot3_node]: Succeeded to create joint state publisher
    [turtlebot3_ros-3] [INFO] [turtlebot3_node]: Add Devices
    [turtlebot3_ros-3] [INFO] [turtlebot3_node]: Succeeded to create motor power server
    [turtlebot3_ros-3] [INFO] [turtlebot3_node]: Succeeded to create reset server
    [turtlebot3_ros-3] [INFO] [turtlebot3_node]: Succeeded to create sound server
    [turtlebot3_ros-3] [INFO] [turtlebot3_node]: Run!
    [turtlebot3_ros-3] [INFO] [diff_drive_controller]: Init Odometry
    [turtlebot3_ros-3] [INFO] [diff_drive_controller]: Run!
  4. Topics and services can be listed with commands below.
  • Topic list
    $ ros2 topic list
  • Service list
    $ ros2 service list

Read more about launching RViz

Load TurtleBot3 on Rviz

  1. Make sure to bring up the TurtleBot3

  2. Open a new terminal and enter the below command to launch RViz.

    $ ros2 launch turtlebot3_bringup rviz2.launch.py


Bringup TurtleBot3

  1. Open a new terminal from PC with Ctrl + Alt + T and connect to Raspberry Pi with its IP address.
    The default password is turtlebot.
    $ ssh ubuntu@{IP_ADDRESS_OF_RASPBERRY_PI}
  2. Bring up basic packages to start TurtleBot3 applications. Please use the proper keyword among burger, waffle, waffle_pi for the TURTLEBOT3_MODEL parameter.
    $ export TURTLEBOT3_MODEL=burger
    $ ros2 launch turtlebot3_bringup robot.launch.py
  3. If the TurtleBot3 model is burger as below, the terminal will print below messages.
    $ export TURTLEBOT3_MODEL=burger
    $ ros2 launch turtlebot3_bringup robot.launch.py
    [INFO] [launch]: All log files can be found below /home/ubuntu/.ros/log/2019-08-19-01-24-19-009803-ubuntu-15310
    [INFO] [launch]: Default logging verbosity is set to INFO
    urdf_file_name : turtlebot3_burger.urdf
    [INFO] [robot_state_publisher-1]: process started with pid [15320]
    [INFO] [hlds_laser_publisher-2]: process started with pid [15321]
    [INFO] [turtlebot3_ros-3]: process started with pid [15322]
    [robot_state_publisher-1] Initialize urdf model from file: /home/ubuntu/turtlebot_ws/install/turtlebot3_description/share/turtlebot3_description/urdf/turtlebot3_burger.urdf
    [robot_state_publisher-1] Parsing robot urdf xml string.
    [robot_state_publisher-1] Link base_link had 5 children
    [robot_state_publisher-1] Link caster_back_link had 0 children
    [robot_state_publisher-1] Link imu_link had 0 children
    [robot_state_publisher-1] Link base_scan had 0 children
    [robot_state_publisher-1] Link wheel_left_link had 0 children
    [robot_state_publisher-1] Link wheel_right_link had 0 children
    [robot_state_publisher-1] got segment base_footprint
    [robot_state_publisher-1] got segment base_link
    [robot_state_publisher-1] got segment base_scan
    [robot_state_publisher-1] got segment caster_back_link
    [robot_state_publisher-1] got segment imu_link
    [robot_state_publisher-1] got segment wheel_left_link
    [robot_state_publisher-1] got segment wheel_right_link
    [turtlebot3_ros-3] [INFO] [turtlebot3_node]: Init TurtleBot3 Node Main
    [turtlebot3_ros-3] [INFO] [turtlebot3_node]: Init DynamixelSDKWrapper
    [turtlebot3_ros-3] [INFO] [DynamixelSDKWrapper]: Succeeded to open the port(/dev/ttyACM0)!
    [turtlebot3_ros-3] [INFO] [DynamixelSDKWrapper]: Succeeded to change the baudrate!
    [robot_state_publisher-1] Adding fixed segment from base_footprint to base_link
    [robot_state_publisher-1] Adding fixed segment from base_link to caster_back_link
    [robot_state_publisher-1] Adding fixed segment from base_link to imu_link
    [robot_state_publisher-1] Adding fixed segment from base_link to base_scan
    [robot_state_publisher-1] Adding moving segment from base_link to wheel_left_link
    [robot_state_publisher-1] Adding moving segment from base_link to wheel_right_link
    [turtlebot3_ros-3] [INFO] [turtlebot3_node]: Start Calibration of Gyro
    [turtlebot3_ros-3] [INFO] [turtlebot3_node]: Calibration End
    [turtlebot3_ros-3] [INFO] [turtlebot3_node]: Add Motors
    [turtlebot3_ros-3] [INFO] [turtlebot3_node]: Add Wheels
    [turtlebot3_ros-3] [INFO] [turtlebot3_node]: Add Sensors
    [turtlebot3_ros-3] [INFO] [turtlebot3_node]: Succeeded to create battery state publisher
    [turtlebot3_ros-3] [INFO] [turtlebot3_node]: Succeeded to create imu publisher
    [turtlebot3_ros-3] [INFO] [turtlebot3_node]: Succeeded to create sensor state publisher
    [turtlebot3_ros-3] [INFO] [turtlebot3_node]: Succeeded to create joint state publisher
    [turtlebot3_ros-3] [INFO] [turtlebot3_node]: Add Devices
    [turtlebot3_ros-3] [INFO] [turtlebot3_node]: Succeeded to create motor power server
    [turtlebot3_ros-3] [INFO] [turtlebot3_node]: Succeeded to create reset server
    [turtlebot3_ros-3] [INFO] [turtlebot3_node]: Succeeded to create sound server
    [turtlebot3_ros-3] [INFO] [turtlebot3_node]: Run!
    [turtlebot3_ros-3] [INFO] [diff_drive_controller]: Init Odometry
    [turtlebot3_ros-3] [INFO] [diff_drive_controller]: Run!
  4. Topics and services can be listed with commands below.
  • Topic list
    $ ros2 topic list
  • Service list
    $ ros2 service list

Read more about launching RViz

Load TurtleBot3 on Rviz

  1. Make sure to bring up the TurtleBot3

  2. Open a new terminal and enter the below command to launch RViz.

    $ ros2 launch turtlebot3_bringup rviz2.launch.py


Bringup TurtleBot3

  1. Open a new terminal from PC with Ctrl + Alt + T and connect to Raspberry Pi with its IP address.
    The default password is turtlebot.
    $ ssh ubuntu@{IP_ADDRESS_OF_RASPBERRY_PI}
  2. Bring up basic packages to start TurtleBot3 applications. Please use the proper keyword among burger, waffle_pi for the TURTLEBOT3_MODEL parameter.
    $ export TURTLEBOT3_MODEL=burger
    $ ros2 launch turtlebot3_bringup robot.launch.py
  3. When the TURTLEBOT3_MODEL is set to burger, the terminal output will look like below.
    $ export TURTLEBOT3_MODEL=burger
    $ ros2 launch turtlebot3_bringup robot.launch.py
    [INFO] [launch]: All log files can be found below /home/ubuntu/.ros/log/2019-08-19-01-24-19-009803-ubuntu-15310
    [INFO] [launch]: Default logging verbosity is set to INFO
    urdf_file_name : turtlebot3_burger.urdf
    [INFO] [robot_state_publisher-1]: process started with pid [15320]
    [INFO] [hlds_laser_publisher-2]: process started with pid [15321]
    [INFO] [turtlebot3_ros-3]: process started with pid [15322]
    [robot_state_publisher-1] Initialize urdf model from file: /home/ubuntu/turtlebot_ws/install/turtlebot3_description/share/turtlebot3_description/urdf/turtlebot3_burger.urdf
    [robot_state_publisher-1] Parsing robot urdf xml string.
    [robot_state_publisher-1] Link base_link had 5 children
    [robot_state_publisher-1] Link caster_back_link had 0 children
    [robot_state_publisher-1] Link imu_link had 0 children
    [robot_state_publisher-1] Link base_scan had 0 children
    [robot_state_publisher-1] Link wheel_left_link had 0 children
    [robot_state_publisher-1] Link wheel_right_link had 0 children
    [robot_state_publisher-1] got segment base_footprint
    [robot_state_publisher-1] got segment base_link
    [robot_state_publisher-1] got segment base_scan
    [robot_state_publisher-1] got segment caster_back_link
    [robot_state_publisher-1] got segment imu_link
    [robot_state_publisher-1] got segment wheel_left_link
    [robot_state_publisher-1] got segment wheel_right_link
    [turtlebot3_ros-3] [INFO] [turtlebot3_node]: Init TurtleBot3 Node Main
    [turtlebot3_ros-3] [INFO] [turtlebot3_node]: Init DynamixelSDKWrapper
    [turtlebot3_ros-3] [INFO] [DynamixelSDKWrapper]: Succeeded to open the port(/dev/ttyACM0)!
    [turtlebot3_ros-3] [INFO] [DynamixelSDKWrapper]: Succeeded to change the baudrate!
    [robot_state_publisher-1] Adding fixed segment from base_footprint to base_link
    [robot_state_publisher-1] Adding fixed segment from base_link to caster_back_link
    [robot_state_publisher-1] Adding fixed segment from base_link to imu_link
    [robot_state_publisher-1] Adding fixed segment from base_link to base_scan
    [robot_state_publisher-1] Adding moving segment from base_link to wheel_left_link
    [robot_state_publisher-1] Adding moving segment from base_link to wheel_right_link
    [turtlebot3_ros-3] [INFO] [turtlebot3_node]: Start Calibration of Gyro
    [turtlebot3_ros-3] [INFO] [turtlebot3_node]: Calibration End
    [turtlebot3_ros-3] [INFO] [turtlebot3_node]: Add Motors
    [turtlebot3_ros-3] [INFO] [turtlebot3_node]: Add Wheels
    [turtlebot3_ros-3] [INFO] [turtlebot3_node]: Add Sensors
    [turtlebot3_ros-3] [INFO] [turtlebot3_node]: Succeeded to create battery state publisher
    [turtlebot3_ros-3] [INFO] [turtlebot3_node]: Succeeded to create imu publisher
    [turtlebot3_ros-3] [INFO] [turtlebot3_node]: Succeeded to create sensor state publisher
    [turtlebot3_ros-3] [INFO] [turtlebot3_node]: Succeeded to create joint state publisher
    [turtlebot3_ros-3] [INFO] [turtlebot3_node]: Add Devices
    [turtlebot3_ros-3] [INFO] [turtlebot3_node]: Succeeded to create motor power server
    [turtlebot3_ros-3] [INFO] [turtlebot3_node]: Succeeded to create reset server
    [turtlebot3_ros-3] [INFO] [turtlebot3_node]: Succeeded to create sound server
    [turtlebot3_ros-3] [INFO] [turtlebot3_node]: Run!
    [turtlebot3_ros-3] [INFO] [diff_drive_controller]: Init Odometry
    [turtlebot3_ros-3] [INFO] [diff_drive_controller]: Run!
  4. Topics and services can be listed with commands below.
    List of topics and services may vary depend on ROS pacakage version.
  • Topic list
    $ ros2 topic list
  • Service list
    $ ros2 service list

Read more about launching RViz

Load TurtleBot3 on Rviz

  1. Make sure to bring up the TurtleBot3

  2. Open a new terminal and enter the below command to launch RViz.

    $ ros2 launch turtlebot3_bringup rviz2.launch.py


Bringup TurtleBot3

Bring up basic packages from TurtleBot3 to start TurtleBot3 applications.

> roslaunch turtlebot3_bringup turtlebot3_robot.launch

Read more about loading TurtleBot3 on RViz

  1. Bring up basic packages to start TurtleBot3 applications.
    Please use the proper keyword among burger, waffle, waffle_pi for the TURTLEBOT3_MODEL parameter.
    > set TURTLEBOT3_MODEL=waffle
    > roslaunch turtlebot3_bringup turtlebot3_remote.launch
  2. Open a new ROS command window and enter the below command.
    > rosrun rviz rviz -d "<full path to turtlebot3_description>/rviz/model.rviz"