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  • This instructions were tested on Ubuntu 20.04 and ROS Noetic Ninjemys.
  • If you want more specfic information about OpenMANIPULATOR-X, please refer to the OpenMANIPULATOR-X e-Manual.

The contents in e-Manual are subject to be updated without a prior notice. Therefore, some video may differ from the contents in e-Manual.

TIP: The terminal application can be found with the Ubuntu search icon on the top left corner of the screen. The shortcut key for running the terminal is Ctrl-Alt-T.


  • This instructions were tested on Ubuntu 22.04 and ROS2 Humble Hawksbill.
  • More information on OpenMANIPULATOR-X is availabe at OpenMANIPULATOR-X e-Manual.

The contents in e-Manual are subject to change without prior notice. Therefore, some video may differ from the contents in e-Manual.

TIP: The terminal application can be found with the Ubuntu search icon on the top left corner of the screen.
The shortcut key for opening the terminal is Ctrl-Alt-T.

TurtleBot3 with OpenMANIPULATOR

The OpenMANIPULATOR-X by ROBOTIS is one of the manipulators that support ROS, and has the advantage of being able to easily manufacture at a low cost by using DYNAMIXEL actuators with 3D printed parts.

The OpenMANIPULATOR-X has the advantage of being compatible with TurtleBot3 Waffle and Waffle Pi. Through this compatibility can compensate for the lack of freedom and can have greater completeness as a service robot with the the SLAM and Navigation capabilities that the TurtleBot3 has. TurtleBot3 and OpenMANIPULATOR-X can be used as a mobile manipulator and can do things like the following videos.

The contents in e-Manual are subject to be updated without a prior notice. Therefore, some video may differ from the contents in e-Manual.

The OpenMANIPULATOR-X by ROBOTIS is one of the manipulators that support ROS platform, and has the advantage of being able to easily manufacture at a low cost by using DYNAMIXEL actuators with 3D printed parts. The OpenMANIPULATOR-X has the advantage of being compatible with TurtleBot3 Waffle and Waffle Pi. Through this compatibility can compensate for the lack of freedom and can have greater completeness as a service robot with the the SLAM and Navigation capabilities that the TurtleBot3 has. TurtleBot3 and OpenMANIPULATOR-X can be used as a mobile manipulator and can do things like the following videos.

The contents in e-Manual are subject to change without prior notice. Therefore, some video may differ from the contents in e-Manual.

Software Setup

NOTE: Before installing the turtlebot3_manipulation package, install turtlebot3 and open_manipulator packages on the Remote PC.

The TurtleBot3 Manipulation Package requires turtlebot3 and turtlebot3_msgs packages as prerequisite. Without these prerequisite packages, the TurtleBot3 Manipulator cannot be launched. Please follow Quick Start Guide instructions if you did not install required packages and dependent packages.

  1. Download and build the package using the following commands in order to use assembled OpenMANIPULATOR-X.
    [Remote PC]
    $ cd ~/catkin_ws/src/
    $ git clone -b noetic https://github.com/ROBOTIS-GIT/turtlebot3_manipulation.git
    $ git clone -b noetic https://github.com/ROBOTIS-GIT/turtlebot3_manipulation_simulations.git
    $ git clone -b noetic https://github.com/ROBOTIS-GIT/open_manipulator_dependencies.git
    $ sudo apt install ros-noetic-ros-control* ros-noetic-control* ros-noetic-moveit* ros-noetic-dwa-local-planner
    $ cd ~/catkin_ws && catkin_make

NOTE: TurtleBot3 Manipulation for ROS2 Humble requires turtlebot3_manipulation package.
Follow the instructions below to install the required package and its dependencies.

The TurtleBot3 Simulation Package requires turtlebot3 and turtlebot3_msgs packages as prerequisite. Without these prerequisite packages, the TurtleBot3 Manipulator cannot be launched. Please follow Quick Start Guide instructions if you did not install required packages and dependent packages.

  1. Connect to the TurtleBot3 SBC using ssh command below.
    [Remote PC]
      $ ssh ubuntu@{IP_ADDRESS_OF_TURTLEBOT3}
  2. Install packages for TurtleBot3 Manipulation.
    [TurtleBot3 SBC]
      $ sudo apt install ros-humble-hardware-interface ros-humble-xacro ros-humble-ros2-control ros-humble-ros2-controllers ros-humble-gripper-controllers
      $ cd ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/
      $ git clone -b humble https://github.com/ROBOTIS-GIT/turtlebot3_manipulation.git
      $ cd ~/turtlebot3_ws && colcon build --symlink-install
  3. Open a terminal on Remote PC.
  4. Install dependent packages using the following commands.
    [Remote PC]
      $ sudo apt install ros-humble-dynamixel-sdk ros-humble-ros2-control ros-humble-ros2-controllers ros-humble-gripper-controllers ros-humble-moveit*
      $ cd ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/
      $ git clone -b humble https://github.com/ROBOTIS-GIT/turtlebot3_manipulation.git
      $ cd ~/turtlebot3_ws && colcon build --symlink-install

Hardware Assembly

  1. Remove the LDS-01 or LDS-02 LiDAR sensor and install it in the front of TurtleBot3.
    Red circles represent recommended bolt holes.
  2. Install the OpenMANIPULATOR-X on the TurtleBot3.
    Yellow circles represent recommended bolt holes.

OpenCR Setup

NOTE: To use OpenMANIPULATOR-X, you need to upload a firmware into OpenCR by using either shell script or Arduino IDE.

  1. Shell script is highly recommended to upload the firmware as it uses a pre-built binary file
  2. Arduino IDE builds from the provided source code and uploads the generated binary file.
    The OpenCR Arduino board manager does not support ARM based processors such as Raspberry Pi or Jetson Nano.

Please connect all DYNAMIXEL modules to the OpenCR before uploading the OpenCR firmware.

After OpenMANIPULATOR is properly mounted on TurtleBot3, the OpenCR firmware needs to be updated to control connected DYNAMIXEL. Please follow the firmware update instructions below.

  1. Download the OpenCR firmware file on Raspberry Pi (SBC) and upload the correct firmware with the following commands.
    [TurtleBot3 SBC]
    $ export OPENCR_PORT=/dev/ttyACM0
    $ export OPENCR_MODEL=om_with_tb3_noetic
    $ rm -rf ./opencr_update.tar.bz2
    $ wget https://github.com/ROBOTIS-GIT/OpenCR-Binaries/raw/master/turtlebot3/ROS1/latest/opencr_update.tar.bz2
    $ tar -xvf opencr_update.tar.bz2
    $ cd ./opencr_update
    $ ./update.sh $OPENCR_PORT $OPENCR_MODEL.opencr
  2. When the firmware is completely uploaded, you will see a text string on the terminal: jump_to_fw


Please be aware of pinching your body between the robot joints!!!

When the firmware is successfully uploaded, OpenCR board will reboot and the OpenMANIPULATOR-X will move to the initial pose.
It is recommended to put the OpenMANIPULATOR-X as a similar pose as shown below image to avoid any physical damage during the initial pose.

Arduino IDE

Please be aware that OpenCR board manager does not support Arduino IDE on ARM based SBC such as Raspberry Pi or NVidia Jetson.
In order to upload the OpenCR firmware using Arduino IDE, please follow the below instructions on your PC.

Click here to expand more details about the firmware upload using Arduino IDE

  1. If you are using Linux, please configure the USB port for OpenCR. For other OS(OSX or Windows), you can skip this step.
    $ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ROBOTIS-GIT/OpenCR/master/99-opencr-cdc.rules
    $ sudo cp ./99-opencr-cdc.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/
    $ sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
    $ sudo udevadm trigger
    $ sudo apt install libncurses5-dev:i386
  2. Install Arduino IDE.
  3. After completing the installation, run Arduino IDE.

  4. Press Ctrl + , to open the Preferences menu

  5. Enter below address in the Additional Boards Manager URLs.

  6. Open the TurtleBot3 with OpenMANIPULATOR firmware.
    • TurtleBot3 with OpenMANIPULATOR : File > Examples > turtlebot3 > turtlebot3_with_open_manipulator > turtlebot3_with_open_manipulator_core
  7. Uncomment #define NOETIC_SUPPORT on turtlebot3_with_open_manipulator_core.h, and save it with any name.

  8. Connect OpenCR to the PC and Select OpenCR > OpenCR Board from Tools > Board menu.

  9. Select the OpenCR connected USB port from Tools > Port menu.

  10. Upload the TurtleBot3 firmware sketch with Ctrl + U or the upload icon.

  11. If firmware upload fails, try uploading with the recovery mode. Below sequence activates the recovery mode of OpenCR. Under the recovery mode, the STATUS led of OpenCR will blink periodically.
    • Hold down the PUSH SW2 button.
    • Press the Reset button.
    • Release the Reset button.
    • Release the PUSH SW2 button.

NOTE: To use OpenMANIPULATOR-X, you need to upload a firmware into OpenCR by using either shell script or Arduino IDE.

  1. Shell script is highly recommended to upload the firmware as it uses a pre-built binary file
  2. Arduino IDE builds from the provided source code and uploads the generated binary file.
    The OpenCR Arduino board manager does not support ARM based processors such as Raspberry Pi or Jetson Nano.

Please connect all DYNAMIXEL modules to the OpenCR before uploading the OpenCR firmware.

After OpenMANIPULATOR-X is properly mounted on TurtleBot3, the OpenCR firmware needs to be updated to control connected DYNAMIXEL. Please follow the firmware update instructions below.

  1. Download the OpenCR firmware file on Raspberry Pi (SBC) and upload the correct firmware with the following commands.
    [TurtleBot3 SBC]
    $ export OPENCR_PORT=/dev/ttyACM0
    $ export OPENCR_MODEL=turtlebot3_manipulation
    $ rm -rf ./opencr_update.tar.bz2
    $ wget https://github.com/ROBOTIS-GIT/OpenCR-Binaries/raw/master/turtlebot3/ROS2/latest/opencr_update.tar.bz2
    $ tar -xvf opencr_update.tar.bz2
    $ cd ./opencr_update
    $ ./update.sh $OPENCR_PORT $OPENCR_MODEL.opencr
  2. When the firmware is successfully uploaded to the OpenCR, jump_to_fw will appear on the terminal.

Arduino IDE

Please be aware that OpenCR board manager does not support Arduino IDE on ARM based SBC such as Raspberry Pi or NVidia Jetson.
In order to upload the OpenCR firmware using Arduino IDE, please follow the below instructions on your PC.

Click here to expand more details about the firmware upload using Arduino IDE

  1. If you are using Linux, please configure the USB port for OpenCR. For other OS(OSX or Windows), you can skip to the step 2 “Install Arduino IDE”.
    $ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ROBOTIS-GIT/OpenCR/master/99-opencr-cdc.rules
    $ sudo cp ./99-opencr-cdc.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/
    $ sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
    $ sudo udevadm trigger
    $ sudo apt install libncurses5-dev:i386
  2. Install Arduino IDE.
  3. After completing the installation, run Arduino IDE.

  4. Press Ctrl + , to open the Preferences menu

  5. Enter below addresses in the Additional Boards Manager URLs.

  6. Select Sketch > Include Library > Manage Libraries... to install the DYNAMIXEL2Arduino library.

  7. Search for DYNAMIXEL2Arduino from the Library Manager and install the library.

  8. Open the TurtleBot3 Manipulation example.
    • File > Examples > turtlebot3 > turtlebot3_manipulation > turtlebot3_manipulation
  9. Connect the micro USB of the OpenCR to the PC and select Tools > Board > OpenCR > OpenCR Board from Arduino IDE.

  10. Select the port connected to the OpenCR from Tools > Port menu.

  11. Upload the TurtleBot3 firmware sketch with Ctrl + U or the upload icon.

  12. If firmware upload fails, try uploading the firmware under the recovery mode. Below sequence activates the recovery mode of OpenCR and the STATUS led of OpenCR will blink periodically.
    • Hold down the PUSH SW2 button.
    • Press the Reset button.
    • Release the Reset button.
    • Release the PUSH SW2 button.


NOTE: Be sure that OpenCR port is properly assigned on PC. See turtlebot3_core.launch.

Run roscore

Run the roscore to use ROS.
[Remote PC]

$ roscore

Define TurtleBot3 Model

Export TurtleBot3 model (waffle or waffle_pi) if the TURTLEBOT3_MODEL is not defined in the .bashrc file.
[TurtleBot3 SBC]

$ export TURTLEBOT3_MODEL=waffle_pi

NOTE: TurtleBot3 Model may differ from the hardware configuration of TurtleBot3 such as burger or waffle or waffle_pi.

Run Bringup

Run Bringup node for TurtleBot3, and start rosserial and LDS sensor using following command.
[TurtleBot3 SBC]

$ roslaunch turtlebot3_bringup turtlebot3_robot.launch

In order to run a TurtleBot3 Manipulation simulation using Gazebo, please skip to Simulation section.

The following command will bringup the actual TurtleBot3 hardware with OpenMANIPULATOR-X on it.

  1. Open a terminal from the TurtleBot3 SBC.
  2. Bring up the TurtleBot3 Manipulation using the following command.

[TurtleBot3 SBC]

  $ ros2 launch turtlebot3_manipulation_bringup hardware.launch.py


Please be aware of pinching your body between the robot joints!!!

When the Turtlebot3 Manipulation bringup launches, the OpenMANIPULATOR-X will move to the initial pose.
It is recommended to set the OpenMANIPULATOR-X as a similar pose as shown below image to avoid any physical damage during the initial pose.


Simulate TurtleBot3 Manipulation using Gazebo by following this section.

Run Gazebo

Load TurtleBot3 with OpenMANIPULATOR-X into Gazebo world with the following command.
[Remote PC]

$ roslaunch turtlebot3_manipulation_gazebo turtlebot3_manipulation_gazebo.launch

Run move_group Node

In order to use MoveIt feature, launch move_group node. If you press [▶] button in Gazebo to start simulation, use the following command.
With a successful launch, “You can start planning now!” message will be printed on the terminal.
[Remote PC]

$ roslaunch turtlebot3_manipulation_moveit_config move_group.launch

Run RViz

Use MoveIt feature in RViz by reading moveit.rviz file where MoveIt enviroment data is configured.
You can control the mounted manipulator using an interactive marker, and simulate the motion of goal position, which helps preventing a possible physical contact by simulating the motion in advance.
[Remote PC]

$ roslaunch turtlebot3_manipulation_moveit_config moveit_rviz.launch

Run ROBOTIS GUI Controller

You can also use ROBOTIS GUI to control the OpenMANIPULATOR-X in Gazebo. The GUI supports Task Space and Joint Space controls. Use any control methods you prefer.

  • Task Space Control: Control based on the valid gripping position (represented as a small red cube between the grippers) of the end-effector of the OpenMANIPULATOR-X.
  • Joint Space Control: Control based on each joint angle.
    [Remote PC]
    $ roslaunch turtlebot3_manipulation_gui turtlebot3_manipulation_gui.launch

Simulate the TurtleBot3 Manipulation using Gazebo by following the instructions below.

How to Run Gazebo

Bringup the TurtleBot3 with OpenMANIPULATOR-X into Gazebo world with the following command.

[Remote PC]

$ ros2 launch turtlebot3_manipulation_bringup gazebo.launch.py


In order to run with RViz, append the start_rviz parameter as below.
[Remote PC]

$ ros2 launch turtlebot3_manipulation_bringup gazebo.launch.py start_rviz:=true

To control the TurtleBot3 in the Gazebo simulation, the servo server node of the MoveIt must be launched first.
[Remote PC]

$ ros2 launch turtlebot3_manipulation_moveit_config servo.launch.py

Launch the keyboard teleoperation node.
[Remote PC]

$ ros2 run turtlebot3_manipulation_teleop turtlebot3_manipulation_teleop


Following keys ard used to control the TurtleBot3.

Use o|k|l|; keys to move turtlebot base and use 'space' key to stop the base
Use s|x|z|c|a|d|f|v keys to Cartesian jog
Use 1|2|3|4|q|w|e|r keys to joint jog.
'ESC' to quit.

Simulation with MoveIt

In order to use MoveIt to operate the OpenMANIPULATOR-X in the Gazebo, terminate other Gazebo and RViz tools first.
Enter the below command to launch RViz with MoveIt configuration.

[Remote PC]

$ ros2 launch turtlebot3_manipulation_moveit_config moveit_gazebo.launch.py

The MoveIt Interface on RViz will be launched along with the Gazebo simulator.

Operate the Actual OpenMANIPULATOR

Follow the given instruction to operate your robot.

Run roscore

Run roscore to use ROS 1.
[Remote PC]

$ roscore

Run Bringup

  1. Run Bringup node for TurtleBot3, and start rosserial and LDS sensor using following command.
    [TurtleBot3 SBC]
    $ roslaunch turtlebot3_bringup turtlebot3_robot.launch
  2. Run Bringup node for OpenMANIPULATOR on TurtleBot3
    [Remote PC]
    $ roslaunch turtlebot3_manipulation_bringup turtlebot3_manipulation_bringup.launch

Run move_group Node

[Remote PC]

$ roslaunch turtlebot3_manipulation_moveit_config move_group.launch

Run RViz

Run RViz to visualize data and to use the interactive marker.
[Remote PC]

$ roslaunch turtlebot3_manipulation_moveit_config moveit_rviz.launch

Run ROBOTIS GUI Controller

OpenMANIPULATOR can be controlled with using ROBOTIS GUI controller instead of RViz tool.
[Remote PC]

$ roslaunch turtlebot3_manipulation_gui turtlebot3_manipulation_gui.launch

Please be aware that the actual hardware operation requires Bringup from the TurtleBot3 SBC.

Bring up the TurtleBot3 Manipulation using the following command.
[TurtleBot3 SBC]

  $ ros2 launch turtlebot3_manipulation_bringup hardware.launch.py

Enter the command below to launch the MoveIt on RViz.
[Remote PC]

$ ros2 launch turtlebot3_manipulation_moveit_config moveit_core.launch.py

To operate the robot with the keyboard teleoperation node, the RViz must be terminated.
Then launch the servo server node and teleoperation nodes on a separate terminal window.
[Remote PC]

$ ros2 launch turtlebot3_manipulation_moveit_config servo.launch.py

[Remote PC]

$ ros2 run turtlebot3_manipulation_teleop turtlebot3_manipulation_teleop


Be sure to read SLAM manual before use of the following instruction.

Use SLAM feature to update an unknown map with TurtleBot3 and OpenMANIPULATOR


Run roscore

Run roscore to use ROS 1.
[Remote PC]

$ roscore

Run Bringup

Run Bringup node for TurtleBot3, and start rosserial and LDS sensor using following command.
[TurtleBot3 SBC]

roslaunch turtlebot3_bringup turtlebot3_robot.launch

NOTE: As OpenMANIPULATOR on TurtleBot3 is not neccessory for SLAM, move_group and bringup nodes, which are the parameters to control OpenMANIPULATOR, are not important to use

Run SLAM Node

Run SLAM node for updating an unknown map with TurtleBot3. This node utilizes gmapping package.
[Remote PC]

$ roslaunch turtlebot3_manipulation_slam slam.launch

Run turtlebot3_teleop_key Node

  1. Update the map where TurtleBot3 will navigate using turtlebot3_teleop_key node.
    [Remote PC]
    $ roslaunch turtlebot3_teleop turtlebot3_teleop_key.launch
  2. Once the map is completely updated, run the map_saver node to save the updated map.
    [Remote PC]
    $ rosrun map_server map_saver -f ~/map

Be sure to read SLAM manual before use of the following instruction.

TurtleBot3 Bringup

Bring up the TurtleBot3 Manipulation Actual or Simulation using the following command.
Actual [TurtleBot3 SBC]

  $ ros2 launch turtlebot3_manipulation_bringup hardware.launch.py

Simulation [Remote PC]

  $ ros2 launch turtlebot3_manipulation_bringup gazebo.launch.py

Run SLAM Nodes

Launch slam node using the following command.
[Remote PC]

$ ros2 launch turtlebot3_manipulation_cartographer cartographer.launch.py

Run Teleoperation Nodes

  1. Launch the servo server node.
    [Remote PC]
    $ ros2 launch turtlebot3_manipulation_moveit_config servo.launch.py
  2. Launch teleop node using the following command.
    [Remote PC]
    $ ros2 run turtlebot3_manipulation_teleop turtlebot3_manipulation_teleop
  3. Use O, K, L, ; keys to drive the TurtleBot3 platform.

Save the Map

  1. Open a terminal on Remote PC.
  2. Run the nav2_map_server to save the current map on RViz.
    [Remote PC]
    $ ros2 run nav2_map_server map_saver_cli -f ~/map

Be sure to read Navigation manual before use of the following instruction.

Send TurtleBot3 with OpenMANIPULATOR to the desired position in the map using Navigation node.

Run roscore

Run roscore to use ROS 1.
[Remote PC]

$ roscore

Run Bringup

Run Bringup node for TurtleBot3, and start rosserial and LDS sensor using following command.
[TurtleBot3 SBC]

$ roslaunch turtlebot3_bringup turtlebot3_robot.launch

Run Navigation Node

Run Navigation node with the following command, which will call Unified Robot Description Format (urdf) and configuration data of RViz to set GUI enviroment, parmeters for Navigation and updated map.
[Remote PC]

$ roslaunch turtlebot3_manipulation_navigation navigation.launch map_file:=$HOME/map.yaml 

How to Control OpenMANIPULATOR with Navigation

You can run this node to control OpenMANIPULATOR on TurtleBot3 when TurtleBot3 is approaching to a goal position when Navigation node is running. However, when TurtleBot3 is in motion, the movement of OpenMANIPULATOR will be unstable by external influences, such as center of gravity, or vibration; so that it is recommended for the manipulator to be used when TurtleBot3 is not driving.

Run Bringup node for OpenMANIPULATOR

Run turtlebot3_manipulation_bringup node just as use of single OpenMANIPULATOR. This node contains arm_controller and gripper_controller.
[Remote PC]

$ roslaunch turtlebot3_manipulation_bringup turtlebot3_manipulation_bringup.launch

Run move_group Node

move_group node supports two interfaces to control OpenMANIPULATOR; MoveIt! and ROBOTIS GUI. Choose either of them according to your preference. In this section, GUI Controller is introduced only.
[Remote PC]

$ roslaunch turtlebot3_manipulation_moveit_config move_group.launch

NOTE: Please refer to MoveIt! for more details.

Run GUI Controller

Using this interface, you can control OpenMANIPULATOR on TurtleBot3
[Remote PC]

$ roslaunch turtlebot3_manipulation_gui turtlebot3_manipulation_gui.launch

Be sure to read Navigation manual before use of the following instruction.

TurtleBot3 Bringup

Bring up the TurtleBot3 Manipulation Actual or Simulation using the following command.
Actual [TurtleBot3 SBC]

  $ ros2 launch turtlebot3_manipulation_bringup hardware.launch.py

Simulation [Remote PC]

  $ ros2 launch turtlebot3_manipulation_bringup gazebo.launch.py

Run Navigation Nodes

[Remote PC]

  1. Open a terminal on Remote PC.
  2. Launch the navigation file using the following command.
    $ ros2 launch turtlebot3_manipulation_navigation2 navigation2.launch.py map_yaml_file:=$HOME/map.yaml